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The world's largest grab dredger

GOSHO, The world's largest grab dredger

It is the world’s largest grab dredger “GOSHO” scooping enormous volume of soil from seabed in just a scoop with a roar. She is developed originally by KOJIMAGUMI as a work vessel. “Dredging” is like “a road work in the sea” creating channel by removing soil from the river or ports seabed. Recently deepening and expanding the channel has been required for large vessel’s safe voyage in world strategic ports and the degree of importance of “dredging” is getting higher than ever. Activate ports around the world with world’s top level dredging technology. That is our challenge!

Activate ports around the world with world's top level dredging technology. That is our challenge!

World’s Top Level in
"Grab Dredging Technology"


High energy efficiency with counter weight balalnced grab hoisting system

It is adopted with a balance equation grab hoisting system.
The counter weight that is balanced with the grab weight is connected with crane's hoisting wire.
So it needs only the power for the soil's weight during hoisting the grab bucket in dredging.
According to our survey, only 60% of energy is necessary compared to the conventional grab dredger that winch has to hoist both bucket and soil's weight. (Patented)


Speedy shift by 2 spuds system

She has a spud system for shifting. One spud is in the middle of the vessel and the other in aft.
With them, she can shift without assistant of push boat or anchor wire.
The system can be controlled by one operator from the bridge. (Patented)


Hydraulic grab bucket for hard soil

We made hard soil dredging possible by installing 130 ton self-weight bucket with max. pressure 34.3 MPa hydraulic unit.
High oil temperature can be prevented by cutting off hydraulic pump at set pressure when pressure gets too high.

The world's largest, heaviest
grab dredging system

GOSHO's grab buckets have an electric hydraulic system in the bucket frame itself.
This dredger system is totally different from the cutter suction dredger (CSD) and has strong grabbing power due to the grab weight & hydraulic cylinders.
It can dredge not only clay and sand but also hard materials such as SPT100~300 (Soft and medium rock)
Automatically horizontal dredging system is installed, realizing high accuracy & high-efficiency dredging. (Patented)

High energy efficiency with a counterweight grab hoisting system

A balance equation grab hoisting system is adopted.
For this system, the counterweight and grab bucket are connected with 16 wire ropes (φ60mm).
The vertical hydraulic cylinder moves the counterweight to hoist up/down the grab bucket.
The counterweight and the grab bucket are almost balanced.
Therefore, it needs only the power for grasped material during hoisting the grab bucket up.
According to our survey, only 60% of energy is necessary compared to the conventional grab dredger that winch has to hoist both the grab bucket and the material's weight. (Patented)

Speedy location adjustment with 2 spuds

GOSHO has two spuds to fix the hull on the sea and move forward after dredging a layer, although general grab dredgers have 3 spuds.
This two-spuds system makes the moving operation speedy, it takes only 3~5 minutes.
This anchorless grab dredger can contribute to a safe & efficient operation even if the site is a congested port.

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Grab Dredger GOSHO & 661RYOSEIMARU Feature & Capacity(PDF)

KOJIMAGUMI's grab dredgers are on standby and waiting for the next work.

"GOSHO", the largest grab dredger in the world has a huge 200cbm grab bucket.
"661 RYOSEIMARU" is mooring in Indonesia so that it can be deployed easily to several countries in SE Asia.

Find the dredger's details from the link below.
<a href="https://www.kk-kojimagumi.co.jp/english/ship/">Our fleets</a>