
The world's largest grab dredger



GOSHO is the largest grab dredger in the world.
Its structure is absolutely different from the conventional dredgers operated by wire rope to hoist up/down and open/close the bucket.
GOSHO's bucket hoisting up/down and opening/closing operation is driven by hydraulic cylinders. Therefore it realizes to make the grab larger, GOSHO has a giant size 200cbm bucket to be feasible to excavate a tremendous amount of the material. Its heavy and strong grab bucket can dredge a hard material that is more than SPT100.

-Powerful and eco-friendly hydraulic counterweight system for the grab bucket up/down.
-Underwater positioning system of the grab bucket
-Automatic operation system
-Speedy location adjustment by 2 spuds system
-Safety & efficient operation by anchorless in congested port
-Horizontal dredging system
Length 100.0m
Breadth 36.0m
Hull height 6.0m
Draft 3.6
Total height (Incl. the dredging equipment) Approximately 50m
Registry Japan (Nagoya)
Class BV
Int'l tonnnage 7052T
Year built 2000
Max. dredgigng depth -48.0m
Max dredger hoist S.W.L. 690T
Working radius 31m
Grab bucket for normal material Capacity: 200cbm (P.L)/120cbm(W.L) Weight: 370T
Grab bucket for hard material Capacity: 136cbm (P.L)/82cbm (W.L) Weight: 400T
Grab bucket for extra hard materoal Capacity: 106cbm (P.L)/76cbm (W.L) Weight 480T
Spud φ1600*45m*2pcs
Main generator Yammar 8N330L-UV (2795KW)*3pcs
Aux. generator Yammar 6HAL2-HTN (160KW)

The world's largest, heaviest
grab dredging system

GOSHO's grab buckets have an electric hydraulic system in the bucket frame itself.
This dredger system is totally different from the cutter suction dredger (CSD) and has strong grabbing power due to the grab weight & hydraulic cylinders.
It can dredge not only clay and sand but also hard materials such as SPT100~300 (Soft and medium rock)
Automatically horizontal dredging system is installed, realizing high accuracy & high-efficiency dredging. (Patented)

High energy efficiency with a counterweight grab hoisting system

A balance equation grab hoisting system is adopted.
For this system, the counterweight and grab bucket are connected with 16 wire ropes (φ60mm).
The vertical hydraulic cylinder moves the counterweight to hoist up/down the grab bucket.
The counterweight and the grab bucket are almost balanced.
Therefore, it needs only the power for grasped material during hoisting the grab bucket up.
According to our survey, only 60% of energy is necessary compared to the conventional grab dredger that winch has to hoist both the grab bucket and the material's weight. (Patented)

Speedy location adjustment with 2 spuds

GOSHO has two spuds to fix the hull on the sea and move forward after dredging a layer, although general grab dredgers have 3 spuds.
This two-spuds system makes the moving operation speedy, it takes only 3~5 minutes.
This anchorless grab dredger can contribute to a safe & efficient operation even if the site is a congested port.

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Grab Dredger GOSHO & 661RYOSEIMARU Feature & Capacity(PDF)